TBESTII_ADR_KECS_2024_01 Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.1. Kakvo biste procenili kakovost treninga sa profesionalnog vidika? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 61/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *2. Kakvo biste procenili strucnosti trenera? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 62/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *3. Dal vam je bio trening lako podrazumljiv? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 63/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *4. Kakvo biste procenili teoretski i prakticki dio treninga? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 64/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *5. Dal je bilo tokom samog trreninga na raspolago dovoljno vremena da ste mogli shvatili sve tokom treninga podate informacije? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 65/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *6. Dal cete moci ovo sto ste naucili tokom treninga upotrebiti u stvarnosti kod rada? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 66/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *7. Koje bih bilo vase misljenje o samom treningu (izvedba, uslovi…)? *Rate 1 out of 6Rate 2 out of 6Rate 3 out of 6Rate 4 out of 6Rate 5 out of 6Rate 6 out of 67/a Молимо опишите своја искуства. *8. Koji dio treninga svidjao vam se najvise? *9. Koji dio treninga bio je potpuno irrelavantan za vas? *10. Dal imate mozda neka drukcija ocekivanja za ovakve programe skolovanja? *GDPR Agreement *By providing this consent and my personal data as detailed above, I hereby declare that I have read and understood the Data Management Notice of Knorr-Bremse Fékrendszerek Kft., as the Controller, regarding the arrangement and implementation of Technical Training, and explicitly consent to the Controller’s processing of my personal data in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth in this Notice, and to the Controller using the services of Data Processors to this end. I acknowledge that I may withdraw my consent at any time using the contact information in this Notice.You can find the Data Management Notice regarding the use and exploration of this web page here.Пошаљи